A pit-stop for logistics industry updates.
612, 2022
Weekly Market Update 12/5/2022
Contract van rates took a $0.14 hit from November to December. This marks the most significant MoM decrease in contractual rates this year. On the other hand, spot rates jumped $0.02 MoM, from $2.38/mile including fuel on
2911, 2022
Weekly Market Update 11/28/2022
Seasonally adjusted Jobless claims are now at their highest point since August, jumping 17,000 WoW. Claims mimicking 2021 levels currently, however, in a much different landscape. Last year claims were starting to trend downward by the latter
2811, 2022
Weekly Market Update 11/21/2022
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen or the BLET agreed to approve a deal that would keep its 24,000 members from striking during the next legal protest period on December 9th. The SMART transportation division however,